Introducing Cartoon Bullet
A Warm Welcome To Jhun Reyes
I’d like to give a warm welcome to Jhun Reyes from Cartoon Bullet who has done some work with Jerry’s Apps recently. Jhun is great at cartoon-styled graphics and you can see his quality of work below.

Cartoon Bullet 1

Cartoon Bullet 2

Cartoon Bullet 3
Head on over to Jhun’s Facebook page to see more of his work, and in order to contact him here: https://www.facebook.com/cartoonbullet/
Even more, work can be found on Jhun’s Elementari site: https://www.elementari.io/JhunReyes/
Jhun And My Friends Are
Now for a shameless plug. You will find Jhun’s work in the most recent release of My Friends Are which introduced a drinking mode among other changes. Jump right into the game to try it yourself here: https://www.airconsole.com/play/card-games/my-friends-are-___
Below is one of the graphics Jhun has worked on for Jerry’s Apps. While drinking-mode is activated in My Friends Are, a glass will appear when someone has to drink. The glass was created by Jhun.

My Friends Are Drink
That is it for now! Stay tuned as Jhun is working on something amazing for Jerry’s Apps. We are very excited about it and we can share more with you very soon.