I am proud to announce you can find Never Have I Ever now linked on The Chuggernauts (click here). To familiarize yourself with Never Have I Ever, it is played by visiting AirConsole in your browser and using your phone to connect to AirConsole using the code that appears on your screen. Once you load Never Have I Ever (Direct Play Link) you can connect up to 100 smartphones to play. That is a huge party! Once the game starts, players will be picked at random to pick a category. A question, such as “Never Have I Ever gone skydiving” will appear and users will say if they have Done It or if they have Not Done It before. That is it, pretty simple, right? If you wish, you can play the Drinking Version which assigns drinks to users after a certain amount of Done It’s have passed.
What Is The Chuggernauts
The Chuggernauts is a website dedicated to all sorts of drinking games. They range from apps all the way through card games. Some examples include Super Troopers, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Fortnite drinking games. The website also includes classics such as Flip Cup (Flip Cup Elimination, Survivor Flip Cup, and Mini Flip Cup) and Beer Pong.
The Chuggernauts contains many drinking game ideas and it is being updated all the time. If you have a game to submit, you can head on over to the Submission Page to have it added to the website. You can even find a list of games you can buy if you want something shipped to your door.
What’s Next
Going forward we hope to get more games featured on The Chuggernauts. I only have one other drinking game currently available on AirConsole which is My Friends Are. But, I hope to expand on this list in the future.
So that’s it for now. You now have a great drinking game suitable for up to 100 players. The players can either be in the same location or across the world. If you are left wanting more you can head on over to The Chuggernauts for more great ideas.