My Friends Are, if you have not played it yet you can see the main post about it here: http://jerrysapps.com/my-friends-are/
In short, it is a game for terrible people who love to make fun of their friends. This update is pretty exciting as it puts the game closer to the dream end-state. Many of my games are done in certain iterations to give the users the fastest access to the latest and greatest. In this iteration, a few things changed.
Enhanced Analytics: Sometimes analytics can be scary, but it is important to make note of this change. I introduced some analytics that will allow me to better gauge what updates the game needs, and when. For example, I am now tracking when a game runs out of cards. Once this happens too often, I know it is time to introduce new cards for people to use. It has already benefited me in other ways, such as I was able to determine from the analytics users are hitting “new game” multiple times. This is a sign that I need to change “something” in order for the experience to become better so that users are not smashing the new game button. Lots of other great enhancements are expected to come from this.
Enhanced Visuals: Several visual changes were made. For example, the “Waiting for players” text is now animated. When players join or submit a response, their avatar is animated a little. Lastly, both question and responses are animated. This improvement of visuals is expected to continue over the next few months to bring you a better user experience.
If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them below.
To play the game, go on over to AirConsole today by clicking this link: https://www.airconsole.com/play/my-friends-are-___